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DAS52 AEROMAGNETIC DATA ACQUISITION AND LOGGING SYSTEM The newly introduced DAS52 is a powerful, versatile and rugged data acquisition and logging system ideally suited to magnetometry applications that do not require compensation for platform effects. Designed for use in demanding airborne and mobile geophysical and environmental surveying, it is a perfect fit for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) installations because of its light weight, compact package, and low power consumption. AARC51 REAL-TIME COMPENSATION FOR UAV PLATFORMS AARC52 REAL-TIME COMPENSATION FOR UAV PLATFORMS RMS Instruments is pleased to introduce the AARC51 and AARC52, the newest members in its family of Adaptive Aeromagnetic Real-Time Compensation systems. The AARC51/52 have been designed for installation in UAV platforms. While very compact (133 x 133 x 216 mm) and light (< 2 Kg), they offer the same level of performance for real-time magnetics and compensation as other members of the family. They support one (AARC51) or two (AARC52) high-sensitivity magnetometer inputs, and require less than 3.5 A at +28 VDC, including the sensors. An interface for an external GPS receiver is included, and in the case of the AARC52 an embedded (dual-frequency) receiver is available. Both models include also general-purpose data acquisition capabilities. While specifically targeted to UAV applications, the AARC51/52 are also perfectly suited for conventional fixed-wing or helicopter platforms. RMS Instruments' new data acquisition system, the DAS500, is ideally suited to airborne and mobile geophysical and environmental survey/monitoring applications. Based on a deterministic, real-time operating system, and state-of-the-art hardware and firmware architectures, it offers internal magnetometer counters for up to eight sensors, flexible and comprehensive data acquisition and recording capabilities, and an embedded GPS receiver. The DAS500 delivers data from practically any sensor/device used in airborne geophysical applications, with unparalleled performance, accuracy and reliability. PDU500 POWER DISTRIBUTION UNIT This unit provides reliable power distribution for equipment racks, with eight outputs at 28VDC (two at 10A, six at 5A), and two outputs at 12VDC (6A). Consult RMS Instruments for additional information.