RMS Instruments
6877-1 Goreway Drive
Mississauga, Ontario
Canada L4V 1L9
Tel: (905) 677-5533
Fax: (905) 677-5030
Web: www.rmsinst.com
E-mail: rms@rmsist.com
Wide selection of signal conditioning inputs, such as voltage, current, thermocouple, RTD, etc.
- Two channels: 16-bit resolution, 500-Hz bandwidth. Real time monitoring on paper (up to 25 mm/sec) or via serial output (direct RS232 or modem)
- Analog recording with alphanumeric printing
- Simple operation - stand alone or from PC
- Thermal array technology (8 dots/mm)
- Battery backed data logger memory
- Fully programmable
- Low maintenance, reliable
- Self-calibrating
- AC/DC power
GR33U2S Chart Recorder/Data Logger Data Sheet and Specifications  |